The Weymouth Asda Car Park Layout



The Disabled parking area is at the rear of the car park.  In the photo below it is in the area left of the building at the far end.  You can just see a disabled blue space hog sign (of course it does not work).







So here it is.  The rear of the car park where the bays are.  As you can see it is not even as if they are close to the doors is it?  I do wish they would at least put some new batteries in the space hogs.  They never got replaced after the first time they run down or the kids nicked them!









Just another view slightly more over towards the access.  You can clearly see the double sided signs to inform people not to park or they will get a fine (of course that's my point, they do not get fines or the management cancel them)














And here is that sign up close and personal .


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If you have a story about Asda and it's Disabled Peoples  Parking  Policy and would like it added to my site, please email me at the address below, I'll publish it and if you will allow me, I'll pass it on to them as well.  Weymouth can not be the only store with TCP and this issue, so come on let me know.

Please note that I shop here.  I have nothing against the shop, its brand or any other issue than Disabled Parking Space abuse by non badge holders and Asda's policy to allow it to happen.  Some item on this website are copyright of the respective owners and I respect that.  If you feel that you would like your item, name or comment to be removed or a link added, then please let me know.  You can contact me at

Thank you.  I do not mean to hurt, insult or bring personal harm anyone who is mentioned on this website and will remove sections when asked.  This site is to show everyone the truth and to show personal emails between me and the companies involved to try to change company policy towards the disabled drivers.  Any use of personal threats verbal or physical made to me will be taken very seriously and reported to the relevant authorities.